Sunday, August 10, 2008

Water Drop

I cannot remember when i wrote this...probably about two months ago or so...i found it in my little note book.
..........a water drop.............
...the sound..of a water drop falling into a pool...the small soothing sound...water colliding with water...
...can you hear that drip?..can you hear that beautiful sound?
.........why is that beautiful?..why is that small short sound...beautiful? is beautiful..for...the same reason moonlight is beautiful...the same reason little flowers in the grass are beautiful...the same reason nakedness is beautiful...the same reason little giggles of children are beautiful...and..the same reason the touch of another is beautiful...
...these things here mentioned are not extravagant..nor complicated..they are simple...................................
....the sound of a water drop in water is is simple...........simplicity is beauty. is true..there are many complicated things that are beauty is not simplicity...however..people who strive only for complication..thinking that extravagant mighty things are the only true beauties....are fools.....fools who over look the essence of what true beauty can be... not be afraid to take a good look not be afraid to look for beauty in the humblest of places....for simplicity is everywhere you look.... complicated as the human body and mind is...even they have simple aspects......eye color...softness of skin...facial features (my personal favorite: "lips") shapes...actually, the shape and feel of one's entire body....basic emotions...likes and dislikes......a smile...a laugh...a tear drop............all of these traits are (or at least appear to be) simple....but they are beautiful..are they not? not be afraid to look at not be afraid to see the beauty within yourself.....for everywhere you look
..................................and everywhere you look at yourself

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