Wednesday, January 7, 2009


“I love you.”

What? What does that even mean? One definition of love is: an intense feeling of tender affection and compassion. Oh my that does sound good. But honestly, what does it mean to love? People seem to love so many things. That’s odd to me. Such an intense feeling would be hard to share, would it not?

A dating couple say they “love” each other so much. Then tragically a few months later they breakup…and no longer love each other. I’ve been taught that love is also enduring. So was that not really love that the couple shared? I think not. At the moment it may have seemed like love…but turned out to be nothing more than infatuation.

“I love books” “I love music” “I love thought” Is it possible to love such things? To have tender affection for an inanimate object or an abstract like thought? Ok that does seem kind of possible…but come on! To have such feelings for that which cannot love back? “I love food”…really? That is what you adore more than anything else? To fill your belly?

Then there is always the dreaded “LOVE BETWEEN THE SAME GENDER” *gasp* oh noes!!! Whatever. There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with that. Why would there? Is it not great to have affection for all people? Regardless of there gender (or race etc.)?

Love….“love”…it seems to be used in places it does not apply, or in some cases not used when it should be used… seems. …………………WHAT ARE YOU SAYING PEOPLE??? Do you really love all that you say you do?? “Love” is one of those over used words, kind of like “dude” or “man” or even a phrase like “What’s up?” Then again…saying “I love you” sounds a whole lot better than saying “I really like you” or “I think you’re really attractive”. And “Love poems” sounds better than “Infatuation poems” or “Sexually Driven poems”. You make a stronger point by saying “I love books” instead of “I like books very much”. PLUS saying “love” is easier and requires less effort most of the time. See the examples in this paragraph.

Love…it’s over used so often, it's almost a cliché. And yet it is not used enough. Funny how that works. I don’t claim to know what love is, or how it works…but at times I think I have a pretty clear idea of what love is not. And I do believe in genuine love between people.

Oh gotta go…Lindsay is here…..Oh how I love her


Blanca Seyer said...

Thanks for the advice
And hope u find th elove of ur life =]
13 Is such a weird age
oh how i mm a gonna miss 13

Unknown said...

oh, thanks...

yep, I sure do hope so

I watched a few, I got me thinking...Dante? is he the one that was led into hell and saw all the levels?

and of course, I agree with that and desire the same

I have a different concept of love though..
love, just like any other emotion is simple. There aren't angels shooting arrows and no magic is involved.
there are a lot of bad sides to love and a one way love can turn into obsession etc.
I used to be in love and to me it seems to be mindset and it feels good, but, it's able to fade; but the soul experience though love, through anything is eternal