Sunday, August 31, 2008

Poem First Draft


As I sat by the dry river bed, I gazed into the dry space; I dreamt
I dreamt of all the beautiful things in the world; but most of all I dreamt of the flowing river
A little girl walked close by and asked, “What are you looking at? The river is dry.”
“You’re right little one; the river is dry. But you see, I can still see the water never the less.”
“How? When the water is gone?”
“Is the water really gone? Or is that just your mind playing tricks on you?”
“Look! The water is dry!”
“Tell me little one, do you know what a river looks like?”
“Then, if you want to see the water, all you have to do is close your eyes.”
“Close my eyes?”
“Yes. If you think of a river, if you look around you, you can see the water by closing your eyes.”
As she sat by my side, she closed her eyes; she dreamt
She dreamt of all the beautiful fish in the river; but most of all she dreamt of the flowing water
A little thought came to her and she asked, “What else can I see?”
“What would you like to see? If you try hard enough, you can see anything.”
“Anything? I want to see the people I love.”
“Who do you love? I’m thinking your mamma…or maybe your father? Am I right?”
“My papa is somewhere far without me; but, mamma died…”
“Well then I see. I’m sure you remember what she looked like.”
“Good girl. Now think of her, and close your little eyes again.”
“Will she really be there?”
“If you saw the little silver fishes in the water, then you can see her.”
As we sat by the dry river bed, we dreamt of what mattered
We dreamt of fond memories, but most of all we dreamt of the people we loved
A little tear fell down her check, “I don’t wanna die mamma.”
“…You’re not going to die little one; don’t be afraid. Memories are not meant to kill you.”
“Why should I live when mamma is gone?”
“Mamma is gone; but you see, if you die too, who will carry her memory?”
“I’m afraid. I don‘t wanna be afraid!”
“Don’t be afraid little one. Memories are not the same as real life, but they can be as real as you make them. Can you remember her?”
“Of course you can. Close your eyes little one, she will be there.
“I want mamma…”
“I know. Now don’t say a word, close your little eyes, and think about your mamma; she will be there in your memories.”
As she sat by the dry river bed, she cried; she dreamt of her mother
She dreamt of her mother’s gentle smile, but most of all she dreamt of her mother’s warm embrace
A little smile curved around her face and she cried, “I can feel you mamma!”
“You always will little one, as long as you cherish her memory.”
“But, what should I do now? Momma is still gone.”
“Mamma is gone, but ah, her memory is stored alive deep within your heart.”
“I’m still sad.”
“I know all to well. But wouldn’t mamma want you oto grow, and be happy? Would she not want you smiling?”
“Yes she would. Love her memory as she loved you.”
“I want…”
“Don’t say anything at all. Instead, dream it. When you’re sad, think of mamma; dream and you can do anything. Close your little eyes and open your heart and the world will open up to you. You and mamma can again play in the river together.
As I opened my eyes, I saw the braches of a tree.
I sat up and saw the river bed filled with water.
“It was all a dream.”…until I saw a little note in my hat.
“Thank you. Nadleeh”

Thursday, August 21, 2008





As for me I love you Cheyenne...
My Wind...
Who are you?
Who are you?
...At this point in time…
Who am I?
Who am I?
Who are we?
Who are we?
I love you Cheyenne

I love Japanese script…it’s so beautiful.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Day Lily

This is another note I wrote to my friend. But this is not the original. It was originally just to personal for anyone to read. So I edited for the “public“. I do not know you, but my words apply to you I'm sure. Hope you like it. lilies...are beautiful........yes yes all flowers are beautiful..because of their colors and some cases their scents...even their mother plant is sometimes beautifully shaped..and are a creation of god..all of god's creations are beautiful.....for these reasons..(and i'm sure many more) beautiful..and it is always a pleasure to look upon them in awe...
..but day lilies..have another aspect of beauty.........each bloom of the plant..lasts only one day....the bloom is beautiful during the day…by night, the bloom is withered..the next morning..the shriveled pedals are laying on the ground under the original bloom..almost as if the plant was crying the night before.............
....each day lily is unique and beautiful..with its own little characteristics that make it different from the other day lilies.................the fact that each bloom lasts for such a short time..means they are to be means that each very special.....that is why their beauty should NEVER be underestimated or taken for granted....'s is sad..that the beautiful blooms fall away so quickly...........but there is hope....for the next day.......the plant produces another beautiful flower..and other unique, special bloom..with its own characteristics........that is to be cherished.....
............the flower is beautiful just as you are..the flower is unique from the other flowers just as you are unique from the other people.......the flower is to be cherished just as you are to be........ is true...there will be other people with characteristics very much like your’s....but just like the flowers..even though they are similar..each is are unique.........there are characteristics only you posses...the characteristics that make up part of your body and mind.........
....that is why..the flowers remind me of you.......

(I’m trying to say: You are unique and special. Cherish yourself.)


Incomplete Thoughts

It’s funny,
The passage of time.
It never halts.
No matter how much we try
No matter how much we want
Time never stops.
Moments pass
Feelings pass
Both, with the passage of time
Do I know these people?
Do they even know me?
It’s funny,
That we say we know people
That we form bonds with them
Yet we hardly know them
What even is a relationship?
What even is a bond?
Relationships change
Bonds change
Both, with the knowledge of people
Where am I?
What time is it?
Who are these people around me?
It’s funny,
That I am alive and yet do not have an answer to those simple questions
What is a clock?
You see,
Time is an abstract
Yet a clock, is tangible
Does a clock really say what time it is?
Who said so?
Is a clock a tangible definition of the abstract time?
If so, is that definition correct?
Who said so?
It’s funny,
That people automatically try to define abstracts
It’s funny,
That people are the only physical beings capable of expressing emotions, capable of thinking abstractly, capable of reasoning, capable of loving; yet humans hate so much, humans destroy so much.
I don’t completely understand people, but at least I have an answer as to why that is most likely do as well
It’s funny,
That a mirror reflects only what is physical,
But not what is mental
Not what is spiritual
Not what is emotional
A mirror is not a true reflection
Only a small part of a whole is reflected
It’s funny,
That people are like grass
You see
If you look at grass as a collective whole
Grass is beautiful, yet all the blades look similar
But if you look closer
You see that each blade of grass is unique
Making it all the more beautiful
If you look at people as a collective whole
People are beautiful, yet all people look similar
But if you look closer
You see that each person is unique
Making that person all the more beautiful
Grass is relatively simple;
People are not simple at all
I don’t claim to know why time never stops
I don’t claim to know whether a clock is accurate and correct
I don’t claim to know why a mirror is not a complete reflection
I don’t claim to know why people can be compared to something as simple as grass
I don’t claim to know who people are or what they mean;
Just as people do not know who I am or what I mean
I don’t claim to even know who I am or what I mean;
I hardly know;
You will hardly know
Despite all this,
I am here
And while I am here;
I shall try to find the answers to these unanswered questions

I shall love the people I have formed relationships with
Look for me in the grass;
Or in your reflection,
I’ll be near a clock.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Encouraging Idea (Hopefully)

I’m in a hotel in Oregon…and what can I say; I’m bored and not in the mood to talk directly with anyone AND I‘m not inspired to write anything really creative…so this silly little blog is the answer to my boredom.
…moving on…
I recently wrote this for a friend of mine…in attempt to give her a little hope, and to let her know that I’m thinking of her (we unfortunately don’t get to see each other that often). But I thought I would share and make it public, because this idea applies to anyone who is living through a chaotic, hard time.
It’s rather short, but I hope it’s meaningful to you. know...we are like..small pools of water....
...typically...they are calm and still....but when a rock is thrown into them..they are agitated and disturbed...

....I'm sorry that I’m not 100% sure about you....but typically...I'm calm..isolated and lonely...but calm....
....apparently...we both have had situations like rocks thrown into our lives....and we are agitated and disturbed, and so much more, because of those rocks.....

...even though the small pools say agitated for a while....eventually..they calm back down...and are still and serene...
...the same is true of us....eventually...things will change for us....and serenity will take over... the pools of water....
i just know it

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Backyard Flowers


I cannot take credit for this; I can only take credit for the small edits I made. It feels strange to edit someone else’s work…but the edits make it more to my liking. In all, I love this poem. It expresses such amazing and beautiful abstract thoughts…thoughts I often think about.

P.S. I do not know who the original writer of this is...but this poem heavily affected my style and inspired me when I started writing.

Mountains. Heavy are the mountains, but that changes thru the passage of time.
Sky... Blue sky. What your eyes can't see. What your eyes can see.
Sun...There is only one.
Water... It is agreeable.
Flower... So many alike. So many without purpose.
Sky... Red, red sky. Red the color. Red the color I hate.
Water flowing. It drips ripples and pores.
Blood... The sent of blood. A woman who does not bleed.
From the red earth man comes.
Born of man and woman is Man.
Town... A human creation.
What is human? Are they creations of God?
Or that which is human?
The things I possess are my life and soul. I am a vessel for my heart.
Who is this? This is me.
Who am I? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am I?
I am myself. This, that which is, is myself. That which is formed is me.
This is the me that can be seen, yet this feels as if this is not myself.
A strange feeling. It feels as if my body is melting.
I can no longer see myself. My shape my form.
I feel the presence of someone who is not me.
Who is there, beyond me here?
I know this person.
Who are you?
Who are you?
Who are you?

Final Edit

A while ago I wrote a poem titled “Implosion”. This is the final edit of that poem. It's for a friend of mine.

Implosion before the Dream

Do we care for each other?
What defines love of friends?
Do we really care?
The walls of my mind are closing in
I feel a sensation of sadness surrounding my very core
Help me…
Help me release my mind from this self-made malice.

Where are the people I call friends?
Do they really exist?
Do I matter to them?
Do they really matter to me or am I deceptive?
Why do I feel this way; my mind is playing tricks on me
Show me…
Show me the way out of this stream of thought

Where am I going?
What does my mind want?
Do I really know?
My consciousness is crumbling apart
I am the only person who can truly change my perceptions
But still…
But still we can help each other live in this world

Do we know each other?
Has my mind imploded?
I feel my heart melting away
This feeling of loneliness is crushing all that matters
I do…
I do not wish to live in pain because of emotional separation

Why do I think such things?
Where do such irrational thoughts take me?
Do I really believe myself?
My mind is collapsing from the stress
But I know the truths of friendship
I know…
I know are minds and hearts will remain together forever

Is this you who has opened my eyes?
Why have you stopped for me?
Is this my dream?
My heart is beating again because of you
Warmth from your body surrounds my entity enveloping my core
Your touch…
Your touch brings tender dreams to my mind amidst deceptive perceptions

Is this dream to become a reality?
Where are our hearts going?
Is this really the truth?
I wake up each morning now because of you
Thoughts of your personable soul flood my mind with a desire to dream
Hold me…
Hold me forever in this reality so we can both say: “I love you”

Monday, August 11, 2008

New Vision

…For the past three years or world has been collapsing. Well…I mean I have a good home…relatively a good family…and friends who love me and who I love in return.
…but you see…I have “mental issues” I shall say and many tragic things have happened over the years…so despite all of the good aspects of my life, I have still been going insane. So for the past few years…all of my stress…all of my anxiety…all of my hatred…has been building up inside me…I finally snapped like never before about a week or so ago…I attempted suicide.

……….and o how I came so close to actually dying. I spent about a week in the hospital recovering…half of that time unconscious………..But as you can tell by the date…I am still alive…...........

…when I got back home from the hospital…a dear friend of mine came to visit...we are really close…I call her my “little sister”….she gave me a long hug, a kiss, and a little card she wrote…………my best friend Steven came by…and he told me, “As soon as you’re up and moving again…I’m gonna beat the hell out of you (for trying to kill yourself); you know that right?” haha that’s just like Steven…we have know each other for years…awesome guy…
...and a few other notable friends came by....

*sigh* I broke up with my girlfriend…and yes it hurt very much..because we are so very similar…almost like a mirror…we are so alike indeed…but maybe that’s why it can’t work out….you see we both can’t stand ourselves…so dating someone just like ourselves…you get the idea. We still talk…we are still friends…and I like it that way..I’m just to immature for a relationship of that sort right now…so we still love each other…as the best of friends…always nice to add a friend…

….my world is still collapsing….I’m still stressed out…I’m still saddened and depressed….yet at the same time…I’m happy to be alive….you see…there is beauty in this word…there is a loving God…there are many pages of text I still can read…there is warm sunshine…there are trees….there are the mountains and the oceans….there are many more good and beautiful things……and…I have people I love and can fall back on….I can see all of these things clearly now.
I’ll never try to kill myself again

Sunday, August 10, 2008


I cannot remember when I wrote this short aritcle know..I should probably start dating these things when I write them in my note book...
..grass is wonderful...
..grass is beautiful... i lay in the cool grass..i began thinking...thinking about the fact that..maybe..grass is like people... is a creation of god...there are many varieties of grass...but even so..grass is still grass....all grass blades look very similar..but if you look will see individual characteristics of each blade..if you look at grass..and feel will see that grass is beautiful..
people..they are creations of god..there are many races of people...but even so..people are still people...all people look very similar..but if you look will see individual characteristics of each person..if you look at people..and feel will see that people are beautiful...
...see?..they are some dream-like light..grass is like people..people are like grass....if you can love can love people......if you can love can love grass... i lay in the cool grass...the warm sun shone down...the blue sky was alive with clouds..the breeze played with my hair and cloths and lips...this all soothed my sore body and mind... i lay in the cool grass...i felt of the blades..smelt of earth...stroked the ocean of grass under me....i dreamed of grass..and of people the grass reminded me of........i cried..i cried because..all was well...i was content...i was happy....................i wish you could have been there..i with you could have felt the moment with me..i wish you could have felt of the grass.............................. yourself..are a little, beautiful, tender blade of grass..............
...when you look at grass...see it's beauty...and know in your heart that you are beautiful just as the grass is
........i love grass................

Water Drop

I cannot remember when i wrote this...probably about two months ago or so...i found it in my little note book.
..........a water drop.............
...the sound..of a water drop falling into a pool...the small soothing sound...water colliding with water...
...can you hear that drip?..can you hear that beautiful sound?
.........why is that beautiful?..why is that small short sound...beautiful? is beautiful..for...the same reason moonlight is beautiful...the same reason little flowers in the grass are beautiful...the same reason nakedness is beautiful...the same reason little giggles of children are beautiful...and..the same reason the touch of another is beautiful...
...these things here mentioned are not extravagant..nor complicated..they are simple...................................
....the sound of a water drop in water is is simple...........simplicity is beauty. is true..there are many complicated things that are beauty is not simplicity...however..people who strive only for complication..thinking that extravagant mighty things are the only true beauties....are fools.....fools who over look the essence of what true beauty can be... not be afraid to take a good look not be afraid to look for beauty in the humblest of places....for simplicity is everywhere you look.... complicated as the human body and mind is...even they have simple aspects......eye color...softness of skin...facial features (my personal favorite: "lips") shapes...actually, the shape and feel of one's entire body....basic emotions...likes and dislikes......a smile...a laugh...a tear drop............all of these traits are (or at least appear to be) simple....but they are beautiful..are they not? not be afraid to look at not be afraid to see the beauty within yourself.....for everywhere you look
..................................and everywhere you look at yourself


Personally I love water, and I think it very beautiful. This is not (in reality) the only reason i love water; this is merely a philosophical, abstract, dream-like reason for my love. This is another short aritcle that i wrote in my note book

…do you know why water is beautiful?........................haha, that’s right..water is beautiful……………………. because water is a creation of God..all of Jehovah’s creations are perfect and beautiful…it is a gift...because all of life depends on it..every aspect..every FUNCTION of life needs water...that's true..
……………….but when you look into a body of water what do you see?……...…………………….........
…ever since water has been on the Earth it has cycled …(through the ground.. through the sea.. through the sky in the clouds….then fallen in the rain).. so much so that water has touched entire world….in each atom of water there is a memory.. a memory of what that atom has touched…the world…
….it’s rather interesting…that people are made of water as well…blood..sweat.. tears.. seminal milk... they are all made of water…would it not make since then, that water holds the memories of all people?… what people see…what people enjoy…what people experience…what people love…are all remembered in the atoms of water…………………
…when you look into a body of water…you see the beauty and genius of Jehovah…you see memories of the entire planet…and the memories of all people…that is why water is beautiful……

Sphinx Moth

I actually wrote in this in my note book on 7/9/08

...................................i found a Sphinx Moth today...........................................................
..she landed on my front door...i couldn't just leave her there..for she was in direct she is now (or was) in the back yard on a wall of now she has most likely flown on...
.................there was something poetic and beautiful..yet sad about this moth..resting amongst the vine's leaves in the shade of the cedar trees......i watched her...and held her; cherished her...for a very long time...(couldn't get a decent picture of her in the vines though...grrrr) living poetry..are all relative...even if that is true..what many people consider "beauty" not beautiful at all.......people turn their eyes away from true beauty and instead selfishly look to the flawed material things of this world... aspect of knowledge.....knowledge in turn..leads to truth....even if truth is beautiful..truth, the reality of this imperfect world, often is painful...that is why..(or at least..why i think) many people turn away from beauty: beauty can hurt...
....i wish you could have held this moth...she was truly beautiful.....seeing her..and holding her was poetic...but it was sad..because the truth is.................................................................she will die soon not always any situation..there is always truth..
...even if some truths hurt..they are still beautiful.…
…..the reality of this imperfect world..the truth of it..hurts…but there is hope………one day in the future..Jehovah will step in..and make this world perfect…then..truth..reality..will no longer be painful….reality will be truly beautiful…
….the moth…the hope is…before she dies..she will lay eggs…those eggs…will become more beautiful sphinx moths.