Wednesday, November 25, 2009

In Case People still look here ...

Well now, it's been some time.

Why is that?

'Cause i've been out and about!

Maybe there'll be a more "interesting" post later, but first -

A few posts down, you'll see some sketches and some other artsy stuff.

One in particular is a chalk sketch of a giraffe and her baby (is there a term for "baby giraffe"? cub? haha, how foolish) on canvas.

I said you would see the finished painting; here it is:

It's not the best photo, with the flash, but you can still see it really clearly. Let me know what you think! (by the way, it was my first time to stain a frame as well)



Unknown said...

oh wow, now that is's nice to see before and after

and it has been a for a baby giraffe...well its called a Giraffe, haha

thank you, I'm glad you saw a little more of my character and that you think my notes are somewhat organized and yes, those lyrics are from Muse...

as for those rising up for good, I'm sure they'll work together, but those opposing, well we'll see who wins

Unknown said...

irritating? why so?

that's a good school for me, I'm working for my mom, and its only past 12 where I'm at...

ow wow...haha,a what a coincidence

that's true, i know all that jargon

What I base good and bad off is life itself. We as humanity are all that we as humanity have...and so anything against that is wrong, at least for me...
of course how we deal with that wrong is something crucial in itself, but that doesn't mean to acquiesce

well, I'm gonna finally go to bed now, haha, good night if you haven't beaten me

Unknown said...

ah...too bad, those dang colors, haha

no, jargon...its kind of like slang, but different.

you do that, haha

nice...homie, haha

Alex Vagus said...

Hello. I'm an acquaintance of Steven Garret. I invited him and a few other people over to my house, but I'm going to have to unfortunately abort that plan and reschedule. I neglected to get his phone number so if you could please relay that message and ask him to do the same for Juan (he'll know what I'm talking about) I'd really appreciate it.