Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ideology in Another

Reality: the concept of what is….
Ideology : what one considers ideal…what one truly desires.

Is it wrong to want what is ideal? (what really is ideal?) Of course not. To obtain what is ideal, humans must work to reach their goals…the world is not going to change itself. Humans accomplish nothing by simply thinking but never acting on their thoughts. This is simple cause and effect. Cause: ideal thought. Effect: working to reach your ideal conditions.

To strive for what is ideal…for what is desired. The world won’t change to fit the ideologies of people. Wake up to that simple fact…or that fact will simply manifest itself within you until you acknowledge it.

A friend of mine, she is scared and unsure herself…stressed….(I’m basically the same way right now….) We spent some time together yesterday. She is a dear friend, someone I trust…she looks at me in the same light. Without a word and only a gaze, we embraced and kissed for a long time…..(have no idea for how long.)

What this the action needed to reach our true desires? Was this the effect of a craving for ideal conditions? Or was this merely two different hormones calling to each other? A craving for the touch of someone? Or maybe just a call for comfort from our depressed hearts? Perhaps the hormones created the ideal solution…? …Hormones made a touch the ideal condition….?
Something entirely different: love between two people?

…..ugh I’m not even going to try to write about love… damn complicated.

Ideologies…hormones…a need for comfort…love…..all factors in a single event.
…….I think to much……….(but sometimes my thinking pays off)

In any case…my point is simple: Reality is not always ideal…but at times it can be.

P.S. I don’t kiss just anyone…that’s not mt style

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like what you said about humanity.
Love wasn't that bad either.

You can't ever think to much.
(something I stand behind with my life)

I don't truly understand what you're saying with your comment, but what I do get seems true.