Friday, October 31, 2008

Hands stained with Innocent Blood

I hate all holidays; I find them stupid and pointless.
So here is something different while all the kids are in their little costumes and so on and so forth.

Today in Government class, we, as a class, discussed foreign policies. This in turn led into the war in the Middle East. One child (I say child because even though he is almost 18, he shows no apparent ability to reason like an adult) proposed a plan to end the war. His plan was to:

“Fire numerous nuclear missiles into the counties of the Middle East. Thus eliminating the terrorist threat, and ending all other possible problems from that area.”

….what a minute……..
Is that reasoning just like a terrorist?
Think for a moment.

September 11, 2001. Religious extremist attacked a government they consider evil. And to a certain degree, they did succeed in attacking said government….And in the process, they killed uncounted innocent people who wanted nothing to do with their holy war.

By launching nuclear weapons into the Middle East, true, a few terrorists would be killed. However in the process, hundreds of thousands of innocent people who simply want to live their lives, who have morals similar to our own, would be killed in the process. "Possible problems"? People who are different, who's culture is different, does that alone make them problems? It's true, I do not agree with the way women are treated in the Middle East...but does that make the people problems? Differences...ha we look strange to "them" as well.

Do you see the parallels? In both cases, one particular group is targeted; but in the process, innocent blood is shed. If vengeance “must” be taken, do the lives of the innocent have to be taken as well?

Call me a fool, unpatriotic, or whatever the hell you can come up with. I do not care.
The innocent; do they really have to perish for the sins of all?
If there is any morality…any decency, I hope the answer is “No”.


mariposa said...

Hey! I'm so glad you liked my blog - thanks for commenting!

I totally agree that the innocent shouldn't perish for decisions they haven't made - it's wrong.

You find holidays stupid & pointless? How so?

Unknown said...

Beautiful conclusion...

Some people don't think...they just say whatever comes out, or... that's truly all they do see as a solution.
Either way, it's just who they are...and, that's why we vote...
