Friday, August 15, 2008

Day Lily

This is another note I wrote to my friend. But this is not the original. It was originally just to personal for anyone to read. So I edited for the “public“. I do not know you, but my words apply to you I'm sure. Hope you like it. lilies...are beautiful........yes yes all flowers are beautiful..because of their colors and some cases their scents...even their mother plant is sometimes beautifully shaped..and are a creation of god..all of god's creations are beautiful.....for these reasons..(and i'm sure many more) beautiful..and it is always a pleasure to look upon them in awe...
..but day lilies..have another aspect of beauty.........each bloom of the plant..lasts only one day....the bloom is beautiful during the day…by night, the bloom is withered..the next morning..the shriveled pedals are laying on the ground under the original bloom..almost as if the plant was crying the night before.............
....each day lily is unique and beautiful..with its own little characteristics that make it different from the other day lilies.................the fact that each bloom lasts for such a short time..means they are to be means that each very special.....that is why their beauty should NEVER be underestimated or taken for granted....'s is sad..that the beautiful blooms fall away so quickly...........but there is hope....for the next day.......the plant produces another beautiful flower..and other unique, special bloom..with its own characteristics........that is to be cherished.....
............the flower is beautiful just as you are..the flower is unique from the other flowers just as you are unique from the other people.......the flower is to be cherished just as you are to be........ is true...there will be other people with characteristics very much like your’s....but just like the flowers..even though they are similar..each is are unique.........there are characteristics only you posses...the characteristics that make up part of your body and mind.........
....that is why..the flowers remind me of you.......

(I’m trying to say: You are unique and special. Cherish yourself.)

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