Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Encouraging Idea (Hopefully)

I’m in a hotel in Oregon…and what can I say; I’m bored and not in the mood to talk directly with anyone AND I‘m not inspired to write anything really creative…so this silly little blog is the answer to my boredom.
…moving on…
I recently wrote this for a friend of mine…in attempt to give her a little hope, and to let her know that I’m thinking of her (we unfortunately don’t get to see each other that often). But I thought I would share and make it public, because this idea applies to anyone who is living through a chaotic, hard time.
It’s rather short, but I hope it’s meaningful to you. know...we are like..small pools of water....
...typically...they are calm and still....but when a rock is thrown into them..they are agitated and disturbed...

....I'm sorry that I’m not 100% sure about you....but typically...I'm calm..isolated and lonely...but calm....
....apparently...we both have had situations like rocks thrown into our lives....and we are agitated and disturbed, and so much more, because of those rocks.....

...even though the small pools say agitated for a while....eventually..they calm back down...and are still and serene...
...the same is true of us....eventually...things will change for us....and serenity will take over... the pools of water....
i just know it

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