Sunday, August 31, 2008

Poem First Draft


As I sat by the dry river bed, I gazed into the dry space; I dreamt
I dreamt of all the beautiful things in the world; but most of all I dreamt of the flowing river
A little girl walked close by and asked, “What are you looking at? The river is dry.”
“You’re right little one; the river is dry. But you see, I can still see the water never the less.”
“How? When the water is gone?”
“Is the water really gone? Or is that just your mind playing tricks on you?”
“Look! The water is dry!”
“Tell me little one, do you know what a river looks like?”
“Then, if you want to see the water, all you have to do is close your eyes.”
“Close my eyes?”
“Yes. If you think of a river, if you look around you, you can see the water by closing your eyes.”
As she sat by my side, she closed her eyes; she dreamt
She dreamt of all the beautiful fish in the river; but most of all she dreamt of the flowing water
A little thought came to her and she asked, “What else can I see?”
“What would you like to see? If you try hard enough, you can see anything.”
“Anything? I want to see the people I love.”
“Who do you love? I’m thinking your mamma…or maybe your father? Am I right?”
“My papa is somewhere far without me; but, mamma died…”
“Well then I see. I’m sure you remember what she looked like.”
“Good girl. Now think of her, and close your little eyes again.”
“Will she really be there?”
“If you saw the little silver fishes in the water, then you can see her.”
As we sat by the dry river bed, we dreamt of what mattered
We dreamt of fond memories, but most of all we dreamt of the people we loved
A little tear fell down her check, “I don’t wanna die mamma.”
“…You’re not going to die little one; don’t be afraid. Memories are not meant to kill you.”
“Why should I live when mamma is gone?”
“Mamma is gone; but you see, if you die too, who will carry her memory?”
“I’m afraid. I don‘t wanna be afraid!”
“Don’t be afraid little one. Memories are not the same as real life, but they can be as real as you make them. Can you remember her?”
“Of course you can. Close your eyes little one, she will be there.
“I want mamma…”
“I know. Now don’t say a word, close your little eyes, and think about your mamma; she will be there in your memories.”
As she sat by the dry river bed, she cried; she dreamt of her mother
She dreamt of her mother’s gentle smile, but most of all she dreamt of her mother’s warm embrace
A little smile curved around her face and she cried, “I can feel you mamma!”
“You always will little one, as long as you cherish her memory.”
“But, what should I do now? Momma is still gone.”
“Mamma is gone, but ah, her memory is stored alive deep within your heart.”
“I’m still sad.”
“I know all to well. But wouldn’t mamma want you oto grow, and be happy? Would she not want you smiling?”
“Yes she would. Love her memory as she loved you.”
“I want…”
“Don’t say anything at all. Instead, dream it. When you’re sad, think of mamma; dream and you can do anything. Close your little eyes and open your heart and the world will open up to you. You and mamma can again play in the river together.
As I opened my eyes, I saw the braches of a tree.
I sat up and saw the river bed filled with water.
“It was all a dream.”…until I saw a little note in my hat.
“Thank you. Nadleeh”

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